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Writer's pictureADN@+


Since September 2021, ADN@+ has been invited by the executive and strategic management of "Chillán Forum" to support the strengthening of their initiative.

Today, we give feedback and comment on what they have launched, as their "Values", which are the following ones (our comment goes below of each of the 10 principles stated; the translation is ADN@+'s):



"We promote, respect, and recognize the important place that patriotic values ​​such as national symbols, history, heroes, and customs of each country have in the soul of their peoples. Each country is the essence of the spirit of its people: the beauty that they hold, and the creation of each territory as something quite special.

ADN@+ QUESTIONS: Seems to be a reactive principle? Probably, this principle would add total value if it is conducted in a non-static version, that evolves naturally and organically?


Religious and Spiritual Freedom

We respect and support the religious and spiritual freedom of all human beings, including the non-believers, or believers in their diversities, regardless of their creed. This recognition allows to exercise the authentic search for the fulfillment of human beings as part of a Superior Being, either here, or in the metaphysical sphere.

ADN@+ QUESTIONS: Seems to be a defensive position? Probably, this principle won´t need any human action, if the group is one where faith is real? Mixing religion and politics does not work?


Public Interest beyond Tributes

We promote cooperation among pairs and different groups as a means to embrace a high gross -but low net- level of statal tariffs and taxes. If we build the common good together, cooperation will allow reinvestment as a fair and proportional activity that generates growth and creates more funds for all the parts, including the state.

ADN@+ QUESTIONS: Sounds better? An economic conflict is a good place to start a political identity? The centralized-statal economy is, on the other hand, a phantom in these times? Probably the Market-oriented economy will overcome the corruption associated (in general) with the increase of the size and burden of the state?



We promote social market economic arrangements, where all human beings have the freedom to undertake a business for satisfying their needs and progress freely: disposing of the fruit of their own effort.

ADN@+ QUESTIONS: This is key. Right? Bravo! With more creations like this, traction and attraction towards the Chillán Forum, as a Latin American - Global Space, would increase?


Respect for Life

We promote and ensure respect for life from conception to natural death.

ADN@+ QUESTIONS: Seems to be also a reactive principle? Probably, this principle would add total value if it is conducted in a non-human-only version, that evolves with humans as part of a world: naturally and organically?


The family

We protect and safeguard the family as the foundation of society.

ADN@+ QUESTIONS: This requires a definition of family? The traditional form of family is already a minority? The last will exist normally, naturally, and organically? It has a strong route? It does not need protection and safeguards? It needs to be promoted and communicated?



We support and believe in the democratic system as the most appropriate for society, demanding due respect for the institutions that comprise it and submission to the will of the interests of the majority, rescuing through special laws the rights of those who, by their own conditions, require a particular recognition.

ADN@+ QUESTIONS: This is a very old debate, right? Developing democracy requires political action? Creating a party that makes politics would be preferable?


The Armed Forces

We recognize the importance of the intervention of the Armed Forces in the continent in times past, as a last-resort action that prevented civil war in different countries, the massacre of their citizens, and the destruction of their nations, in addition to promoting the development of a strong and responsible state.

ADN@+ QUESTIONS: If the army needs a forum to defend it, we are in deep trouble? It would seem like probably unnecessary?



We promote the need for equality before the law for all human beings. No one is above justice and the rule of law must be ensured for all.

ADN@+ QUESTIONS: A strong debate about "Justice" would be more suitable, maybe?


Rights and Responsibilities

We promote and manage the union of all those whose vision of society is far from totalitarianism. Thus, we do not accept the imposition of destructive ideologies on our societies, or the extinction of our traditional principles and values that generated the old low hatred among its citizens. We combat those that only seek to subject human beings to actual slavery generated through hunger, helplessness, fears, ignorance, and inability to react.

ADN@+ QUESTIONS: Seems also, to be a reactive principle? Probably, this principle would add total value if it is conducted in terms of projects? That would create the evolution of impacts: naturally and organically?

PLEASE, FEEL FREE AND HAPPY TO CONTRIBUTE AND COMMENT BELOW... But first: Happy Weekend, and please have a look at this Interview (in Spanish)...
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