Ecuadorian Land & Shell: Chile´s Republican Kaiser in a Nutshell: The Chilean Nutshell... Solving the land conflict inside a territory is not a matter of talks and proposals, but a matter of real dialogue. Capitals need profits and impact (both) for arriving and staying in a country. Chile offered that to Germans in the past (see Kaiser´s video) and is thriving now for offering the same to all the people living inside its territory (and coming from outside). Ecuador has advanced in a process similar to the one that Chile has chosen democratically. If Kaiser, and all the Republicans are able to ask for the old Chile for them, and if the Mapuches and the State are also able to Dialogue, Chile will keep being what it is, but better: including all the territories as sites for impact investment, with good profits and sustainable impacts. It is a matter of Dialogue. Ecuador has done it. Shell is going to the Amazonia, for working with the Indigenous Communities and the State. We will get stronger once we forget about lefts and rights, state and markets, and include communities as part of public-private-community partnerships, or cross-sector partnerships. We, at ADN@+ are happy to see that the Dialogue will soon work in Chile as we made it work in the past in Ecuador. There will be a future in Ecuador, as there always will be in Chile if we all agree on the basic issues out of ideologies, and if we discuss economic interests out of forms but going to the root with technology designed for that.