Red Santa Cruz is devoted to Cross-Sector Peacing via Cross-Sector Partnerships: We are working on a Cross-Sector Partnershipped Portfolio of 200 projects with 100 leaders PEACING 5 continents. PEACING implies reaching Governance Capital by the end of a process of dialogue around: p : prices (local pricing policies) e : exchange real/rates (global planning policies) a : assets/apps (financial programming policies) c : communities/credit (local credit policies) i : interest rates (global investment policies) n : nationals number (local institutional policies) g : governments/regulators (national governmental policies) We will develop 2 impact investments per leader (A & B plans) where it does not matter what is the result of a democratic election in our Latin countries or America, or the UK, the Commonwealth, or the Global markets. Hexagon Dialogue is a must for that: The best proxy for peacing is reaching governance capital through creating projects with social capital added to the financial, human, and natural capital of communities, CSOs, academia - media, international investors and agencies, governments, and business corporations. p : prices (pricing policies) work if CSP (as a method) is agreed upon with business people. e : exchange real/rates (planning policies) require a dialogue with academics and media. a : assets/apps (programming policies) require a dialogue with business leaders. c : communities/credit (participation policies) require a dialogue with NGOs and bankers. i : interest rates (impact investment policies) require a dialogue with all investors. n : nationals number (local policies) require a dialogue with local communities. g : governments/regulators (national policies) require a dialogue with national authorities. Our A&B projects require us to agree on the matrix of prices of products and resources of the Santa Cruz Network's Portfolio. There is where we are focusing our efforts today, so we will have our first gathering during February and March 2023. (*) (*) Please write to rsc@adnplus.co.uk if you have received an invitation from the coordinator of Santa Cruz Network, and want to agree on being part of our virtual meeting this month.